Friday, May 2, 2008

Dealing with ethics complaints, my view

How should ethics complaints against a cat breeder be handled? Whoever originally receives the complaint, whether the cat association office, a director, or a fellow breeder, should direct the complainant to file an official complaint. A form, listing the parties involved and any substantiating documentation such as contracts, health records, witnesses, etc., should be filed, preferably free of charge, to the cat association office. This information should initially be relayed to the accused party, so they have a chance to deal with it personally and have the complaint withdrawn, perhaps giving 30 days or some other specified period of time. During that time, the information should be forwarded to a panel of a disciplinary committee, one of which would be responsible to contact the accused breeder to see if any help can be found to resolve the issue, such as providing health information, providing help and information on *how* to deal with their customers in a concerned tone, rather than being defensive, time management skills (which can help with both paperwork and housing conditions), and general help with mediation to avoid further action.

As cat breeders we should be a resource for other breeders, offering help and advice when we can. While help is not always welcome, I think it takes a few years for people to work through a few problems to realize that if they only had immediate information, whatever problem they dealt with could have been short-lived, rather than a continuing issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cat Breeders Complaints Info
is our ministry in serving & helping others. This agency was founded exclusively to be an advocate for the rights of all buyer's of expensive pedigree cats. Our service is ultimately unique in that we are the only ministry of its kind anywhere in the world, dealing with pedigree cat purchasing complaints.

We are a "watchdog", specialized complaint agency. Our main objective is: exposure to stop corrupt cat breeders from taking advantage of the trusting public & from medically neglecting cats.